Earn money with Uber

There's never been a better time to drive with Uber. Signing up is easy, and you'll be earning money in no time.

Learn more Get started
Already a driver? Sign In

The Uber app lets you earn money with the tap of a button.


Uber connects you with thousands of riders in your city every day.


Accept trips using the Uber app for drivers and get paid automatically.

It's easy to become a driver

There are only three steps to complete before you get on the road

Get started

Tell us more about yourself and provide us with the necessary documents to drive.

Get the App

We'll let you know when you've been approved. Then, we'll give you a phone with the Uber app for drivers.

Start Driving

You're ready to go! Set your own schedule and start earning money.

Frequently Asked Questions

More questions? Read on!

  • What is Uber?

    Uber is a smartphone app that quickly connects drivers with people who need a ride. Founded in 2009, Uber now helps tens of thousands of people around the world earn income as drivers.

  • Is Uber in my city or town?

    Uber is expanding to new cities nearly every day. We’re currently in more than 100 cities worldwide. If Uber isn’t in your area yet, the simple act of signing up will help bring us to you even faster.

  • Can I drive my own car?

    Absolutely. In many cities where Uber is available, drivers have the option of using their personal car to provide rides and earn income.

  • Can I drive whenever I want?

    Uber gives you the power to manage your own schedule. When you’re available to offer rides, simply get on the road and start accepting requests. When you have other things to do, go offline until you’re ready to drive again.

  • Do I need a smartphone?

    Not at all, we’ve got you covered! When you’re ready to start driving, Uber will have a smartphone ready for you, pre-loaded with the Uber app for drivers. You’ll be earning income in no time.

Ready to become a driver?

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